27 June 2006

Recovering well.

Sometimes you ask yourself why you train so hard... just to crash like a cheese-filled sausage on the 1st lap of the big race! Well I must thank Jeroen and all those who convinced me to keep riding, even at my new slower speed resulting from a mangled leg I was able to secure some valuable points, official results to follow... It appears I was not the only person buying the farm or destroying their bike, what a cool course!
Back to Cape Town tomorrow just in time to head up to Knysna, see you there!

23 June 2006

Day Before Nationals (Pretoria XC#3)

Chilling in Joburg right now, just finished building the Sycip. Didn't take any chances this time and packed it in a box after the SAA staff played a game called 'jump on the expensive bike' last time... Oh well, they payed for that...
Going to go check out the course later, I've heard its flat-ish but technical, cant wait...

17 June 2006

The beginning...

Day 1... its late, check out the photo!
