21 June 2007

writing on the wall

any ideas what it means? saw it on a wall opposite from a great curry in cambridge

choc chip banana muffins anyone? mmm good...

4 June 2007

racing again, at last

so i think i have a little theory about fitness... its got to do with there being a difference between being 'in shape' and being 'out of shape', ja ja i know thats pretty obvious, but especially obvious to me now that i have finally raced a bike again! i think being out of shape is like having an engine limiter, u got plenty of power but ur never gonna be able to use it all. well at least thats how i felt when i had to sit down and swallow half way up a few hills during the race... hmmm humbling! but fun! so i rocked up thinking i would be the only guy who knew which way to wear a helmet at the amateur section of the benelux (belgium netherlands luxembourg ie international) championships only to find 160 other guys on flash bikes with sponsored kit all looking really fast (and some of them werent only fast in the parking lot), amateur my ass... so i got thumped, but i still beat a good few of them so its all good, the best part about it was that my knee held out fine so... its time to get out of my 'out of shape' state, into an 'in shape' state so i can train properly and get fast, oh ja that was the rest of my theory.

3 June 2007


wow that was a sneaky holiday! whats the best part about your girlfriend getting a new job? when she books you tickets to barcelona to celebrate! even the bus driver was cool, im almost ashamed to say id never heard of 'cat power' before, but it made for the most mellow bus ride from an airport into a major city i ever had, and then the bus driver busted our some kruder and dorfmeister for good measure, nice... after that it was a blur of sun, tapas, spanish beer, gaudi and remarkable short spanish people! or is that just cos the dutch are remarkably tall... there was a great system of bikes that you could drop off and pick up where ever there were stands (www.bicing.com) only it was all in spanish so i had no idea how it worked other than that. what a cool city!
