21 June 2007

writing on the wall

any ideas what it means? saw it on a wall opposite from a great curry in cambridge

choc chip banana muffins anyone? mmm good...


  1. Anonymous8:29 am

    me theres some famous bloke that does all that graffiti-saw a lot of it in london.brilliant stuff really-he's now getting paid to do it. about to buy a super hot rory eating mx bike this wknd.hehehe!Dan

  2. Banksy perhaps? Nice stencil. kinda wish the little girl was waving the tv balloon away.

    The smell of 2 stroke is rife in this town. I haven't seen the boys this excited since they worked out how to get free nudie pics on the internet.

    hmmm, feeling muffin hungry.

  3. Anonymous7:41 pm

    Thanks for writing this.

