wow, its been a while... i have been to and come back from south africa, pretty much finished a thesis and started a new bike project! in amsterdam there are far too many uncool bikes (yes yes thats my opinion) and i have owned a few of them, so now its time to make an uber-cool bike, as only those who ride bikes all day can do, its time for the messenger bike! or rather, cos i may never be hard/cool enough to be a messenger, its time for the fake-enger bike! only a few rules, low budget, low number of gears (preferably just one), low chance of injury (so it will have brakes)... after scouring the online marketplaces i found just the bike, it was a half hour train ride away, the right size and not very expensive... i bet you dont know what 1985 shimano 600 looks like, i give u a hint, 5 gears, i think ornate is the word
so its gonna be a 4 maybe 5 phase process, these photos are at the end of phase 1, ie i had pumped up the new tires and straightened the saddle etc... just wait for it, oooh its going to be shweet!