26 May 2009


Manifesto (in progress)

We are primarily a group of current and former bike messengers, but welcome all good-natured, socially aware cyclists to participate in our events. Though we share no common political ideology, we share values that define us as a distinct social group, naturally beginning
with our shared love of the bicycle.

We believe in equality; we do not differentiate between sex, nationality, race, gear ratios, or riding ability. Men and women race together.

We believe in sustainability. We support products and manufacturers based on product reliability and longevity. (Followed of course by aesthetics, if money permits.)

We love to push the physical and mental limitations of our bodies. We believe in the inherent health benefits of cycling frequently, and assist others in adopting the lifestyle of the urban cyclist by openly sharing our expertise.

We ride “just for fun”!

We champion the superiority of the bicycle as the all-around fastest form of urban transportation. We have legitimized the bicycle as an essential component for every modern package delivery business.

We question the necessity of a substantial portion of inner city auto traffic, but are realistic and strive to promote balance. We are not bike fascists! Many of us have mothers, friends, children and loved ones who are non-cyclists (though we will never give up on trying to convince them to get on a bike!) not to mention co-workers in the package delivery trade.

We rejoice in the possibilities that exist for emission-free motorized transport. We believe a revolution in urban transporation is self-evident and well underway. We believe the bicycle is a central feature of responsible modern urban planning.

We rage at the senseless deaths resulting from the opening of car doors before checking for
cyclists, and we mourn every victim of road rage. We strive to promote understanding between all road users.

We are proud that our home, Berlin, is a world leader in cycling policy and home to hundreds of thousands of daily bicycle commuters, bike paths and bike racks.

We believe the increasing worldwide phenomena of urban cycling began with the example set by the bike messenger. We view this phenomenom as a fundamental shift in consciousness that will continue to grow and increasingly affect society in a positive way, not only improving urban transportation policy.

We are proud to host the ECMC in our hometown Berlin, to showcase our committment to the international bike messenger culture, our love of the bicycle and the lifestyle that follows its daily use, and simply spreading the word that riding around the city with your friends or alone is FUN.

We welcome you to join us in celebrating the culture of the urban cyclist, chiefly its progenitor and most expert adherent, the bike messenger!


14 May 2009

walking is silly

[11:45:20] james says: and im doing research
[11:45:27] B says: on facebook?
[11:45:32] james says: im not sure how work related it is...
[11:45:44] james says: hehe nope i just pop onto fb once in a while
[11:46:00] B says: haha i made research on bicycle helmets yesterday
[11:46:10] james says: oh yeah? which one u like?
[11:46:13] B says: there are actually a couple of really good papers
[11:46:18] B says: aah i don't use one!
[11:46:34] james says: u reading academic writing on helmets?
[11:46:43] B says: and i made research to find an empirical reason for it
[11:46:53] B says: yepyep 8-|
[11:46:56] james says: and?
[11:47:05] B says: okay... i try a short summary
[11:47:41] B says: laws making wearing helmets mandatory are bullshit
[11:47:43] B says: because
[11:48:16] B says: this makes less people ride bikes -> less bicycles on the streets -> higher risk for those left on the streets
[11:48:46] james says: ha ha ha i like it... so helmets = dangerous!
[11:48:54] B says: exactely!!
[11:49:17] james says: great use of statistics (smoking)
[11:49:44] B says: less people riding bicycles -> way higher costs for the public health system by people doing less sport then the actual little less costs by maybe little less severe head injuries
[11:49:54] B says: another thing:
[11:50:19] B says: riding with helmet -> ø 5,8cm less distance kept by cars driving by
[11:50:29] james says: hahahahaha
[11:50:33] james says: brilliant!
[11:50:38] B says: helmet -> more feeling of safety -> riding less careful
[11:51:02] B says: riding bikes is no risk sport
[11:51:22] james says: my mountain biking friends in cape town always say: there is only one thing more dangerous than putting on a helmet
[11:51:30] james says: and that is when someone pulls out a camera
[11:52:02] B says: of all serious head injuries: 50% in cars (passangers+öedestrians), 20% falls, 10% homicide/suicide BUT only 2%cyclists
[11:52:19] B says: SO why should not all the others have to where helmets???!!
[11:52:30] james says: hehehe
[11:52:33] B says: hahaaa, fucking right!
[11:52:44] james says: youre right! we should have to wear a helmet just to get out of bed...
[11:52:55] james says: but sometimes bed can also be a source of head injuries...
[11:52:59] james says: eish
[11:53:00] james says: sorry
[11:53:03] B says: hehe
[11:53:25] james says: i mean that after a night drinking i often wake up with a headache... damn bed!
[11:53:27] B says: you have to ride 18 000 years to get one fatal head injury
[11:53:31] B says: in average
[11:53:42] B says: hahqaa u so right!!!
[11:53:55] james says: aaah i love statisitics...
[11:53:59] B says: damn i found so many cool statistics

3 April 2009


how about a little mid afternoon subversion..?

our dreams dont fit on your ballots indeed

1 April 2009


heres a race report in vincent's own words, respect to the man on his 13th anniversary of being a courier www.haute-courier.nl

so yeah, stinky messengers, beer, bikes, manifests and some flat out riding in a strange city following someone that i thought was a local and turned out to also be from another country, but me and stoffel definatly represented

mental note: wear more black

many people have asked what this photo is all about, am i asking for my dignity back? have i just set free a peace pigeon? erm well no not exactly... i was just telling the guy who beat me in the final sprint what i thought of him. lets just say if it wasnt such a bold overtaking move and there were actually some rules, i might have been grumpy, but respect to mr blom!

this weekend is the 'take me to the bridges' alleycat in amsterdam, this is all i know about it:


Tevens wordt op Zaterdag 4 april 19.00 uur een alleycat georganiseerd in Amsterdam:

Take me to the bridge Alleycat



see u at the belgique...

james dawson

13 March 2009

u know when u just have to tell someone..?

so i just did the un-do-able. or undid the totally done. or what ever way u look at performed a small miracle like just in the nick of time! i wish i had before and after photos to illustrate the tale, but i have at least a few witnesses of nico falling on my back wheel during last sunday's polo game, and the resulting "wheel-so-buckled-it-wont-pass-thru-the-frame"-ness. strangely, i was more concerned about the scrape he got on his arm than my wheel and he was more concerned about my back wheel than his arm. but anyway, what are days off for? fixing bikes! or performing small miracles, but yeah, witnesses are required for the latter i guess. anyway, it didnt need a new rim, it didnt need any new spokes, and its almost more straight than it was before the game of polo! all i did was totally reduce the tension on the spokes, hit the rim on the ground a few times and tension it back up till it was straight. and no, i havent measured the tension to check if its even on all the spokes, i dont want to. i dont need to infact. there is no chance it is. but the wheels on my bike go round and round again. just in time for the arnhem alleycat! see u there

6 February 2009

u throw like a...

sometimes all it takes is a serious act of defiance to make my day. 'who throws a shoe' indeed... nice photo selection at this site actually, pity they try so hard to not let u 'steal them' pshhh

who is coming to zwolle this weekend for some bike racing? second race of the kattenbakklassement. weather is looking good. better go polish my fixie, put on my flat bars and dig out those skinny jeans

1 February 2009

the haters

my friend harry is such a nice guy, he sends me such friendly messages

i guess that harry's message averages out then love i got from a 2nd hand bike shop owner on friday (having a day off from the office job once every 2 weeks to play with bikes is a beautiful thing). i needed a spoke and a cone for my back wheel to stop the wheel from brushing my frame and the hub from eating its bearings like secret candy treats, and to make me go faster of course. to cut a long story short, because im not welcome at the worlds most pretentious bike shop anymore (that also happens to be pretty much the only bike shop in amsterdam that i had a hope of getting the stuff i needed) this was possibly going to be quite difficult. until my new brazilian bike mechanic friend let me use his tools and collection of used but still useful parts, inlcuding perfect length spokes, while he had a sandwich and talked about stopping his fixie by skuffing on his front wheel. mental note: must try that sometime...

so now the bike is running smooth and fast and my brazilian bike mechanic friend has been introduced to artistic candy

28 January 2009

low down

i'd like to start by saying that, no, this is not me... just for the record. thanks for checking tho, deon.

on that note, both friday night at the korsakoff and saturday night at canvas finished upright (at least for some of us, no names mentioned huh sander?)

id like to finish by asking when was the last time you got full use out of a paperclip?

8 January 2009

pink gav's race report

So, the inaugural Thursday Night Fixie Race was held at the Bremner Builder, just above the Baxter in Rosebank last night.

The race started somewhere around 8:47 after a few beers, the format was 5 minutes on the circuit
plus 1 lap after that, 15 points were awarded for lapping the bunch, 20 points for crossing the finish line 1st, 15 for 2nd and 10 for 3rd.

The race got underway, timed and controlled by Dick (of course) and the action was hot from the start, eventually after a few scraped pedals on the corners and some near misses with parked cars in the dark it came down to the final sprint.

Final results were:

1st in the Handbag category was James “Whipping Boy” Dawson

2nd in the Handbag category was Stevie “I can like to be hard” Burnett.

1st in the fixie cat was Pink Gav

2nd in the fixie cat was Santa Dave

3rd in the fixie cat was Camo Dave

Some smack talk and abuse was exchanged, the beer was drunk then we headed down to Champs on Vic (a fine establishment) where James (the winner of the handbag category) bought some quarts.

All in all a fine evening out!

See you all on Thursday the 22nd of January, for round 2 and a new format.

Later boys and girls (we’ll send out pic’s a bit later, not much lighting was available though).

(handbag = freewheel - james)
