22 October 2006

bike candy

what is a better way to describe how i felt yesterday while walking, with the dutchie in tow, around the huge bike exhibition in utrecht yesterday? happy as a pig in shit, or a little boy in a candy shop - well i suppose that depends on who you talk to... that was a brief escape from the exam week i am currently in the middle of which entails writing writing writing, it seems its all about essays in this course... the outing also coincided with the arrival of my free transport card, thanks dutch government, i can travel anywhere in the netherlands for free! (week days or weekends, i chose weekends as there is no chance i can get away during the week) well try as i might i am not going to be able to write this without mentioning the wpmba provincial probably taking place right now, hope it goes well for the people i like, and just a touch less well for everyone else (is that fair?), heard it was a kuk course anyway, anyone want to give a race report? hey gavin, how was world champs?


  1. Anonymous9:24 pm

    The Dutchie vond het stiekem best heel leuk! ;-)

  2. Anonymous8:30 am

    Here's my race report, it was a rough day!

  3. Anonymous8:33 am

    Hmm, race report from Provincials, the racing was bad, I came 3rd for God's sake, and my legs really haven't recovered worlds. I think everyone was sleeping. I almost stopped after 5 laps because the course was so kak! Unbelievable, you would have been hacked if you'd come back to race that kak.

