21 November 2006

cheaper bike parts

i wish they would start genetically engineering these

20 November 2006

cheaper food

has anyone seen the movie 'we feed the world'? well i watched it yesterday in dutch (achievment of the week) and found it quite unpleasant... no not the dutch part... its not that i learnt a lot of new things about globalisation, genetic modification and general human cruelty, its more that i had been hiding my conscience quite successfully up until now, shopping at supermarkets etc and that movie blew its cover! one of the things brought to our attention is that the amount of bread thrown away each day without being sold in the largest city of one european country is enough to feed the second largest city of that country... will someone explain to me why we need to genetically modify our food? www.we-feed-the-world.at/en/index.htm check it out!

6 November 2006

a photo story

only a short story tho but plenty of space for imagination...

thats a nice bike isnt it? but how am i going to get it?

i reckon ill try hustling all the indoor trainer competitions

or maybe ill make candy!

much respect on the world champs effort Gav! read his story
