13 February 2007

a new day

having a laptop, especially a shiny silver one, is very cool, but with each new technology seems to come new problems... has it satisfied my consumer tendencies? i think not, it seems merely to have wet my appetite! well im not going to go on much more about this, but i would never have thought that having a laptop would actually exaggerate the lack of internet connectivity frustrations, its kind of like getting buyers remorse before youve even paid... is it?
but really, i have thought about white picket fences for a while and im not sure they can make a come back, things have changed (just read steve's comment) and thinking whether it is for the better or not is irrelevant...
now im thinking about what to write a masters thesis on... i started out being totally sure that i want to write about health and food and maybe even specifically sugar, but then climate change and political rhetoric just got more and more interesting... (heres an interesting article: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/6335899.stm) the important thing to consider is that i am not to investigate specific technology but rather how a specific technology is interpreted by society, we all know that sugar was invented pretty recently (do we?) and some of us know that it is present in larger and larger proportions in all our food, even few of us know that it may be this sugar presence that causes grumpiness, lack of concentration, diabetes, obesity to name but a few... but what does this mean? why do i react differently to this information to you? again, no better or worse distinction implied, im just finding what is truth for me... any ideas? its gotta be done by july so i can race the imana again!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:28 pm

    We have wireless free 'how do you like them apples' internet!!! The Dutch way- just steal it from you're neighbour! I AM your neighbour! And iTunes over our stereo... what else do u want african boy?

    Some mountains? :-)

    ghehe... later schatje!
    Tjuuuuuzzz! Xx The Cynt

