1 November 2010

beer brake

The 18th edition of the halloween alleycat was a great excuse to visit Berlin again. It was also supposed to be the 2year reunion of team beer break which came together spontaneously at the prenzopoly alleycat. Unfortunately however, although all 5 members from around the world made plans to be there, when it came down to it only Morgan and I made it, while I guess the others had spent their monthly travel budget on, well, beer... I'm so proud. This is Morgan's unimpressed face at the slackness exhibited by team beer break. It was soon replaced by that happy face we know and love after one of the many different vegi burgers we sampled along the way. The food in berlin rocks...

Sober October came to an abrupt end on the 29th. I can't decide which was more stupid, not drinking for a month, or ever starting again... I was gonna try blame this somehow on the guys from ESK (a berlin cycling club, something to do with steel pigs, but thats all that i can remember about them) who organised an epic night time cyclocross dual slalom race in a park, 1 euro entry fee, including a beer... but yeah, that wouldnt work, good times

October was however a relatively cheap month, well, no that's not exactly true, what I didn't spend on beer I spent on bikes, the cheapness was just a matter of perception. I've been trying to make small incremental improvements on the cx bike each week, last week was new cleats and studs in the shoes (which attach to the bike). This week some tubular cx tires will see action for the first time. Thanks to the guys at cicli berlinetta for a sweet set of Hutchinson shark 32c tires.


  1. Sorry for not being there. NEXT YEAR!

  2. Anonymous3:39 pm

    Indeed...feeling bad all ready! Next year! Booking them ticket´s first on january so that it´ll be sorted :D


  3. Look what you did! You made me sad! I'm running away back to America now!

  4. Haha..! You´ll be back I tell you! BACK I SAY!!!


  6. Anonymous10:11 pm

    great post, i was just getting into it then it was over! cmon give us some more!

  7. brake/break

    dawson, aren't you a copywriter for the government or something?

  8. Anonymous8:13 am

    in this context, steve, i figure they are interchangeable :-P

