3 August 2006

Bern baby...

Long haul flying, what is it good for... Well i spose its faster than riding but only marginally more comfortable than spending 100 days straight in the saddle...
The bike and I arrived fine and we were reunited before you could say `big ass swiss mountains`, it was good to stretch the legs having not ridden since the Imana and sat in one place for 10 hrs more recently. Mike (one of the swiss guys I met in Stellenbosch whos house im staying at here in Bern), Martin (aka Tiger) and I rode up a hill called Gurten which is where the race is being held on the weekend. We then bombed down a downhill run with some mean jumps and a road gap for good measure. Bern is a pretty cool city, a lot smaller than i expected and surrounded by hills and forest. Pity its raining right now cos id love to be exploring it!
I wont lie, im getting a little worried by the fact that every person i ask about the race and whether they are taking part (even some pretty hardcore looking cyclists) kinda laughs and says no thats just for professionals... hmm bring on the ass-kicking! oh and apparently its an 8 lap course... nice!


  1. Anonymous1:25 pm

    you can do it! what do those swiss guys know anyway?! enjoy the mountains! Lou xx

  2. Anonymous10:57 pm

    Hey james. Nice blogspot... And i can view it from the comfort of my very own cellphone. Excellent! Sounds like the race was fun. And muddy! But like i said the international scene is going to put you on the fast track to greatness. It's all about living the dream... Keep well.

